Warren County > Bolton Landing

County: Warren

Bolton Landing was named for Bolton, the town in which it’s located. The town was named for Bolton, MA.

The Lake George Land Conservancy, the largest nonprofit in Bolton Landing, protects land in the lake watershed in the southeastern corner of Adirondack Park.

School districts: Bolton Central School District
Libraries: Bolton Free Library

Emergency services: Bolton Emergency Medical Services, Bolton Fire Department

Fraternal organizations: American Legion

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Bolton Rural Cemetery

Recent grants:

Bolton Central School District
  U.S. Department of Education  -  Washington, DC  -  $16,189  (2022)

Bolton Landing
  New York State Department of Environmental Conservation  -  Albany, NY  -  $27,600  (2024)

Bolton Landing
  New York State Department of Environmental Conservation  -  Albany, NY  -  $86,215  (2024)

Bolton Landing
  New York State Land Trust Alliance  -  Albany, NY  -  $23,800  (2023)

Bolton Landing
  New York State Land Trust Alliance  -  Albany, NY  -  $44,500  (2023)

Bolton Volunteer Fire Department
  Global Village Charitable Trust  -  Coral Gables, FL  -  $1,800  (2022)

Lake George Land Conservancy
  W K Kellogg Foundation  -  Battle Creek, MI  -  $68,000  (2022)

Marcella Sembrich Memorial Association
  New York State Council on the Arts  -  New York, NY  -  $40,000  (2023)

Sembrich Memorial Association
  New York State Council on the Arts  -  New York, NY  -  $25,000  (2024)

Sembrich Memorial Association
  Regional Economic Development Councils  -  Albany, NY  -  $60,400  (2022)

Up Yonda Farm
  Global Village Charitable Trust  -  Coral Gables, FL  -  $1,800  (2022)

Largest nonprofits in Bolton Landing (by assets) include:

Lake George Land Conservancy
Marcella Sembrich Memorial Association
Bolton Emergency Medical Services Incorporated
Bolton Rural Cemetery
Bolton Free Library
Bolton Volunteer Fire Company
Historical Society of the Town of Bolton
Bolton Landing Chamber of Commerce